Data Selection and Download
Data Selection and Download is a feature where all the data tables are organized under Structure, Climate, Traffic, and Performance categories. The data selection design is hierarchical view that provides further categorization on secondary, tertiary, quadratic, and quinary levels, which are designed to help users sort and prioritize their data needs. Visual selection provides each interface of these categories that are customized to the specific topic and corresponding audience. An illustration of data collection provides interactive information on data availability. In addition to data availability, this feature provides information on data completeness. Users can choose check boxes from the hierarchical data tree to identify their data preferences. The user can choose to operate at the primary level to simplify the selection with the use of only primary types of data attributes. Users can also choose advanced data selection, which will allow for selection of detailed leaf nodes in the classification hierarchy. Users can select their desired data tables and fields. The search bar at the top of the Data Selection and Download page facilitates search for the desired data tables, if needed. After selecting the desired data tables for the selected LTPP sections (using Find Sections), the user can add the selected data to a Data Bucket.
The User's Guide to the LTPP Information Management System (IMS) corresponding to this SDR is available here. Selected Section:State/Province:Section:Section Information:Find: |